How to own a business with a low capital with green world international

Joining The Green World Company

Joining the Green World Kenya Company is very simple. The company has a very small joining fee of Ksh 1,500/= , which I am sure, everyone of us can afford. This amount of money entitles you to get:

an identity card which is international

introductory CD to the company

a  book with a list of all products of the Green World company 

a personal working website

 links to some other important websites

and straightaway you can start buying products  at a distributor’s price, which is 20% less than the retail price. Moreover, you can attend training on health topics and entrepreneurship, events and company meetings  for free.

You can join our company solely to get nutritional  products at a discount price of 20% without the need to involve yourself in the distribution process. You become a consumer member who keeps up his health, without any obligations.

It is also an opportunity to get extra income to the one who is employed or self employed.

If you have been  looking for a home-based business, this is your  perfect finding. With years of experience and a good compensation plan, you will be rapidly taken through a growth phase to radically change your entire life in a very short period of time.

The Green World company has introduced one unique feature – which is allowing people to join the company and enjoy products at member prices without any obligations. That is, it allows people who only need the company’s products  to join and buy at member prices. These consumer members pay a joining fee only once and continue to enjoy the company’s products for rest of their lives.  They don’t have to sell and are not obliged to  participate in other company activities.



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