by Green world
Arthritis symptoms can easily affect a person’s daily living. Early diagnosis will help keep these symptoms from worsening. To help you out, we’ve listed the most common signs and symptoms of arthritis.

7 Most Common Arthritis Symptoms

1. Joint Discomfort and Stiffness

Tingling sensation and numbing feeling of the joints in the hands and feet are among the earliest signs of arthritis. They create short-term stiffness which goes away when the joint is moved. These symptoms occur most commonly in the mornings upon waking up. They often last for about 30 minutes.

Stiffness and joint discomfort respond to basic treatments such as slow leg movements and gentle massages. Engaging in gentle and manageable exercises regularly will also contribute to diminishing these symptoms.

2. Redness, Swelling, and Tenderness

Redness, swelling, and tenderness altogether characterize inflammation. When the joints are inflamed, they affect the surrounding connecting nerves and tissues. This causes the skin surface to turn red and tender. A change in diet and lifestyle will help alleviate these arthritis symptoms in feet and hands and prevent them from worsening.

3. Restricted Mobility and Function of Joints

As arthritis develops, the swelling and stiffness of the joints start to affect mobility. Actions become more restricted, and the functions of the affected parts become more limited.

Arthritis symptoms in hands and fingers weaken the joints and prevent functioning at full capacity. For instance, gripping and holding things become harder to do.

4. Limping

The lower part of the body is one of the most common areas affected by arthritis and its symptoms. The hips, ankle, legs, and knees are the parts that usually suffer, restricting or preventing basic movements such as standing, walking, and running.

When movements and motion of the joints become restricted, other bodily functions such as coordination and balance become poor as well. Walking aids such as a walker and a walking stick may be needed. Massaging the affected areas gently and regularly may also help improve the condition.

5. Fever

Arthritis with fever is, more often than not, an indication of active inflammation or infection. The immune system decreases in its ability to respond to bodily attacks, that is why a fever may occur. This is a normal response. However, it is still best to see a health professional to determine the underlying cause as the fever may also be related to other conditions or complications.

6. Fatigue

People who experience arthritis symptoms and complications suffer from fatigue. This is due to the lack of sleep or insomnia, decreased energy level, and mood changes, all brought about by discomfort or pain. Rest and sleep are of utmost importance to recover from fatigue.

7. Loss of Appetite and Weight Loss

Some medications for arthritis cause loss of appetite which, in turn, results in weight loss. It can be addressed by a  meal or diet plan which can be personalized for each person with the aid of a health professional.

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