male care products
GREEN WORLD MALE CARE PACKAGE:There are many health issues that only affect men.In this write up ,I am going to focus on men's SEXUAL health issues.However,these issues include--- male infertility,prostate cancer,testicular cancer,erectile dysfunction-premature ejaculation,urinary tract infection etc.GREEN WORLD Has got Natural and Organic Herbal Medicinal Suppliments that have the capability of REPARING and RESTORING male sex organs into there fomer glory.Our products basically,UP-ROOT the health challenges and constrains that men undergoes .The natural organic herbal medicines we have are as follows::: (1)VIGPOWER--It increases sperm count ,improves sperm mortility,strengthens the sexual ability through replenishing the kidneys,increases sexual desire of men,enhances the oxygen content in blood which helps in penis erection for normal sexual perfomance,help with sexual dysfunctions such as premature ejaculation and erectile disfunction plus frequent spermatorrhea.(2)KIDNEY TONIFYING CAPSULE FOR MEN--helps men with impotence caused by weakened kidney function,it invigorates the kidneys and improves the function of infiltration,removes toxins accumulated in the kidneys,improves sexuality in men ,it is the MINISTER OF POWER.(3). ZINC. --it promote high libido,supports the men's reproductive system with FERTILITY,boosts optimal physical perfomance and energy leves for men,it is a critical mineral for robust testosterone levels bcz the cells of the male prostate requires 10 times more zinc than the other cells in the body to stay health and perfom optimally. (4)CORDYCEPS-- It regulates the rate of breathing for men during intercouse,thus enhancing the function of the lungs, provides energy for men who suffer from fatigue during intercouse.(5)PROSTASURE -- restrains growth of pathogenic microorganism in the prostate,improves blood circulation of prostate gland, alleviates symptoms of prostate disorders.Accordingly ,the signs n symptoms of prostate cancer includes
Prices ✔️zinc(60 tablets) =ksh 2,170✔️vig power caps(6 caps)=ksh 3,400 ✔️kidney tonifying for men (100 caps) =3,420✔️prostate care(60 caps) =4,000 ✔️cordycepts(60 caps) =2,600

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